Office of the Marshal

The Earl Marshal has the primary responsibility for combat upon the field, for promoting the safety of all Society combat within the Kingdom, and for the correct training of combatants. The Earl Marshal, or his appointed representative, oversees all fighting at Kingdom level events. They have the responsibility for the conduct of the various Knight Marshals of the Kingdom and any other duties as are appropriate to the Marshallate. The Earl Marshal or his Knight Marshals act as the Crown’s Representative when on the field to ensure the adherence to the Rules of the List

Kingdom Earl Marshal

Sir Iastreb Desislavich

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Warrants

Baron Eirikr Vanðræði

Meridian Grand Tournament Coordinator

Baron Piers Simmons

Minister/Mistress of the Lists

THL Juan Gregorio Ramierez de Santander

Armored Combat

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Armored Combat

Master Thomas Paumer

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Rebated Steel

THLord Bram Halfdannarson

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Armored Authorizations

Magistra Stephanie of Nethyrwode


SCA Heavy Weapons

Rapier Combat

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Rapier

Master Cato di Napoli

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal Rapier Reporting


Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Rapier Authorization

Captain Marie la Cousturiere

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal C&T Rapier

Master David Twynham

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Spear

Captain Rodrigo-Luis de Albuquerque

Youth Combat

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Youth Combat

Capt Rodrigo Luis de Albuquerque

Youth Armoured Deputy


Youth Rapier Deputy



SCA Youth Combat

Siege Combat

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal – Siege Weapons

THLord Snorri Smedson

Combat Archery

Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal Combat Archery

Maister Loegaire mac Lochlainn (Loric)


Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal Equestrian

Countess Ellawin of Eaglwood

Live Weapons

Deputy Kingdom Earl MarshalLive Weapons

Sir Griffin O’Suaird

Reporting Deputy

Lady Ása Kolbrún


For Heavy Martial Authorizations:

Keep a copy of your form and send the original form along with a SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE to the Authorization Marshal, Magistra Stephanie of Nethyrwode at:
Shawn Reed,
PO Box 1276,
Mt. Juliet TN 37121

For Rapier Martial Authorizations: Keep a copy of your form and send the original form along with a SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE to the Rapier Authorization Marshal, Captain Marie la Cousturiere at:
Randi Cramer
8447 Old Spanish Trail Rd
Pensacola, FL 32514