Oath of Fealty

I, (state your name), do swear
Fealty and service unto the Crown of Meridies –
To speak and to be silent, to do and to let be,
To come and to go, in need and in plenty,
In peace and in war, in living and in dying,
From this hour henceforth, until my Lord release me,
Death take me, or the world end.

The Crown’s Response

I, [name], King of Meridies and I, [name], Queen of Meridies

Hear and shall not forget, nor fail to reward, that which is freely given:
Fealty with love,
Valor with honor,
and Oathbreaking with vengeance/justice.
Now rise and go in our esteem.

Note that some Crowns have said “justice” instead of “vengeance”.
By tradition in Meridies, the peerage and the kingdom officers are expected to swear fealty to the Crown, heralds are encouarged to do so, and the populace is invited to do so.

Additional Information For Your Edification:
A professor named John Ronald Reuel Tolkien wrote a similar oath. In a book called “The Return of the King” (published in October 1955), a character named Pippin swears an oath to another character named Denethor. The SCA Kingdom of the West began using an oath of fealty nearly identical to Tolkien’s version in January 1968 (A.S. 2). Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin “helped write the ceremonies, including the Oath of Fealty (borrowed mostly from Tolkien).”